• Nurse and Non-Prescription and Prescription Medication

    Non-Prescription and Prescription Medication
    Oregon law requires that all medications administered at school, prescription as well as over-the-counter medications, be dispensed from an original prescription container and be accompanied by written consent from parent as well as written instructions from the physician.  School personnel are not authorized to dispense any medication at school unless these requirements are met. All medication must be administered by the school nurse or trained school personnel only.

    The required forms are available in the Nurse’s Office and only these forms are permitted. No medication will be administered until these completed forms are on file. These regulations are to protect everyone—the student, our staff and other students. Students should not bring medication to school with them. It should be brought to the nurse by the parent. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in student discipline.

    Injuries or accidents that occur at school or at school functions are to be reported to the person in charge of the activity and to the school nurse. Accident forms may be completed in the Nurse’s or Main Office.