èßäapp¹ÙÍø Audit Reports
èßäapp¹ÙÍø is audited by a variety of auditors. Click on the audit type you would like to view:
- External Bond Performance Audits
- External Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) and Requirements for Federal Awards Report Audits
- èßäapp¹ÙÍø’s Office of Internal Performance Audit
- Oregon’s Secretary of State Audit Services
Increased Transparency and Accountability
This page has been created to improve accountability and transparency of auditing that has and is taking place at èßäapp¹ÙÍø. Below you will find a complete list of audit reports that have been completed by a variety of auditors noted above. The reports are categorized by type and a brief explanation for each is provided.
More information about auditing at èßäapp¹ÙÍø can be viewed on the Board's Audit Committee Webpage.