• Future Educators 

    Intro to Education  

    This course is required to complete the Educator Preparation CTE Program of Study. Are you interested in changing lives? Are you curious about what teachers really do?! Do you want to get off campus and work with young people? Join us for our Future Educator program where we learn all about the ins and outs of teaching - leadership skills, facilitation strategies, curriculum design and classroom management. The best part of this class is the internship! Starting in February, one class per week, students will get off campus and work with students one-on-one, in small groups or with the whole group. In May, students will create a lesson for their internship sites. This class is a highlight for those ready to get off campus and apply their skills! Can take for elective or PCC credit (3 college credits, free).

    Educational Internship 1-2 and 3-4 Optional PCC Dual Credit

    Students continue to have the opportunity to work off site in educational settings for a longer period of time as they continue in this program.

  • Students with crafts

Education Staff

Blair Hennessey
Social Sciences