PK - 2nd Grade Milestones
What your student should know and be able to do
Milestone #1
Learning to share, take turns, understand feelings and make friends
Tip: Use picture books to discuss emotions and social situations. Talk about the characters’ feelings and choices.
Game: "Feelings Charades" – Have your child pick an emotion card (happy, sad, excited, frustrated) and act it out while others guess.
Milestone #2
Learning letters, sounds and how to read simple words
Tip: Play with rhyming words and sing songs to build phonemic awareness. Nursery rhymes help with sound recognition.
Game: "Letter Treasure Hunt" – Hide letters (magnets, flashcards) around the room and have your child find them, say the letter name, and make the sound.
Milestone #3
Learning to count, recognize numbers and understand shapes and patterns
Tip: Incorporate counting into daily activities (e.g., counting steps, toys, or snacks).
Game: "Number Hopscotch" – Draw a hopscotch board with numbers. Have your child jump and say the number or solve a simple problem (e.g., jump to the number that comes after 3).
Milestone #4
Using small muscles (like fingers to hold a pencil) and big muscles (like running or jumping).
Tip: Strengthen fine motor skills with activities like threading beads, playing with clay, and using scissors for simple crafts.
Game: "Pom-Pom Races" – Give your child a straw and have them blow a small pom-pom across a table to improve breath control and coordination.
Milestone #5
Following Directions & Independence
Tip: Give fun multi-step directions (e.g., "Clap twice, spin around, and touch your toes!").
Game: "Simon Says – Two-Step Challenge" – Start with one-step commands and increase to two or three steps (e.g., "Touch your nose, then jump!").