Sitton has many aspects to our learning in nature, making use of our large campus and our one-block distance from Pier Park with its mature forested acreage. Lessons in these spaces are hands-on, project-based, and place-based, so they are very successful in fully engaging students in the learning process. Our students learn about the ecology of soil and plants, food production, climate impacts, and stewardship of our resources. We integrate caring for one another, mindfulness of all who use the spaces, and curiosity about different cultural perspectives.
Our garden and natural spaces are points of connection for the many diverse groups in our neighborhood that comprise the Sitton community. If you would like to participate in caring for a Sitton garden space, or to be on an email list to receive garden updates, please email SittonGardenClub@gmail.com.
We have four spaces we identify as our learning gardens:
The Edible Garden, The Courtyard Garden, The Rain Garden, Pier Park naturescape
To learn more about them, explore the pages in this section.