
  • Philosophy

    We believe that mathematics is a way of thinking and communicating. We believe that all students are capable of enjoying the development of their own mathematical understanding and its application in their daily lives. Therefore, our instructional practices emphasize exploring mathematical concepts and building analytical and critical thinking skills.

    Program Design

    As we are a small, K-8 school with a math focus, we do our best to embed math skills within the school day in all classes, not just during math class. 

    In addition, all students at Winterhaven, starting in grade 6, receive Single Subject Math Acceleration. 

    Here is the design of our middle school math program:

    Grade 6 - 2/3 of the year of 6th grade math, 1/3 of the year of 7th grade math (this class is labeled as "7th grade math")

    Grade 7 - 1/3 of the year of 7th grade math, 2/3 of the year of 8th grade math (this class is labeled as "8th grade math")

    Grade 8 - Algebra 1-2 for high school credit  

    Due to this program design and because of our small size in grades K-5, we do not typically offer single subject acceleration for students before middle school.  If you have concerns about your child's math progress in grades K-5, we ask that you meet with your child's current math teacher to discuss a plan for meeting their academic needs.  


    Upon completion of the Winterhaven K-8 mathematical program, students will display competence in basic skills/computation and self-confidence in their mathematical concepts. They will:

    • Communicate thought processes using symbolic, visual, and verbal reasoning, including the development of models that represent conceptual understanding
    • Apply deductive logic to abstract situations and problem solving
    • Generalize mathematical relationships
    • Utilize mathematical concepts beyond the mathematics classroom
    • Monitor personal educational endeavors including goal-setting, self-evaluation, and reflection
    • Demonstrate perseverance, flexibility, and resourcefulness when faced with difficult mathematical problems or concepts
    • Demonstrate personal satisfaction in learning and doing mathematics

    All students will strive toward these standards throughout their entire Winterhaven educational experience.