Link for #10
SEPUP plate motion simulator!
: We will use this in class. This will show you over different time periods and at different types of plate boundaries how plates move, and what sorts of geological phenomena occur.
Links for #6
for activity - start here first!
location interactive
- video
- interactive-ish
video clip
to Online resources from textbook publisher (go to geology)
Spaghetti Quake Links
of earthquake damping techniques
from ReidSteel about earthquake-proofing structures
about earthquake proofing buildings
Plate Tectonics
#4 resources:
Resources for Activity #1:
SEPUP Resources - The following resources are shared by the publisher of our curriculum:
has an animation as well as additional information about plate tectonics.
shows pictures of how the continental plates were arranged at different points in history.
showing the major tectonic plates.
from NASA shows how fast and in which direction the plates are moving.
Mr. Groom Resources - The following are resources from Mr. Groom's page that I think will be interesting to you!
to a site with directions on how to build a kit to make sure you're prepared for an emergency!
FEMA - (Federal Emergency Management Agency) This site has information about earthquake preparedness, and earthquake hazard maps.
will take you to the most recent trace from the Mt. Tabor Seismometer.
Axial Seamount - Amazingly, we have a very active spreading ridge just off the coast of Oregon and Washington! It's called the Juan de Fuca Ridge, and there's an active volcano right on the ridge called the Axial Seamount. Check out this link to learn more about it!
Accretion Information - Oregon wasn't always here. Most of Oregon is stuff that has been scraped off the bottom of the ocean floor and added to the edge of the continent! This process is called 'accretion' and the link above is a page with some interesting information about how accretion works.
- This page is FULL of wonderful animations that will explain so many different earthquake-related topics. Check them out!
- This animation illustrates how seismic waves are used to determine the magnitude of an earthquake and to locate its epicenter.