ࡱ> dfc3 pbjbj5G5G RW-W-plffff r1#"""""""$)$ I&\""":""44 `TRzf44|#01#4&&4Laurelhurst K-8 VTS training schedule: year 1 TrainingWho?When?Lead TeacherJan Martin & Deb VignaJune 24, 2010Full-staff training 1 day all-staffMonday, August 30Debriefing #1 90 minutes all staffMonday, October 19#2 90 minutes all staffTuesday, January 4#3 90 minutes all staffTuesday, March 15 @ PAM#4 90 minutes all staffTuesday, May 17class visitsall-staffTBD Each teacher (classroom) receives a curriculum manual. One set of images is provided for each grade level. However, we strongly recommend that you download images to your computer.  HYPERLINK "http://www.vtsweb.org" www.vtsweb.org username: Laurelhurst password: vtspassword LAURELHURST ONE-ON-ONE SCHEDULE datetimeteachergrade room #Tuesday99:3510:0510:4011:151:302:05Wednesday99:3510:0510:4011:15Friday99:3510:0510:4011:151:302:05Tuesday99:3510:0510:4011:15Wednesday99:3510:0510:4011:15 ./0E^_p0JjU jU55CJ./09>DERiwm$$IflF #   t0#6    44 la$If pwxuooooo$If$$IflF #   t0#6    44 la#uooooouooooo$If$$IflF #   t0#6    44 la #$'78BZuooooo$If$$IflF #   t0#6    44 laZ[^noyuooooo$If$$IflF #   t0#6    44 laupooo$If$$IflF #   t0#6    44 la]^ussssssssssss$$IflF #   t0#6    44 la $IfQ8KKKKK$If$$IflrpP,"Z\  t0644 la#$%&O(IIIII$If$$IflgrpP,"Z\  t0644 la&'(./0123O,IIIIIO,I$If$$Ifl^rpP,"Z\  t0644 la39:;<=>DEI,$$Ifl^rpP,"Z\  t0644 la$IfEFGHINOPQI($$Ifl^rpP,"Z\  t0644 la$IfQRSXYZ[\fO(IIIIIO@I$If$$Ifl^rpP,"Z\  t0644 lafhijklmrsI($$Ifl^rpP,"Z\  t0644 la$Ifstuvw}~I,$$Ifl^rpP,"Z\  t0644 la$IfO,IIIIIO,I$If$$Ifl^rpP,"Z\  t0644 laI4$$Ifl^rpP,"Z\  t0644 la$IfI($$Ifl^rpP,"Z\  t0644 la$IfO,IIIIIO,I$If$$Ifl^rpP,"Z\  t0644 laI,$$Ifl^rpP,"Z\  t0644 la$IfI($$Ifl^rpP,"Z\  t0644 la$IfO(IIIIIO8I$If$$Ifl^rpP,"Z\  t0644 laI($$Ifl^rpP,"Z\  t0644 la$IfI,$$Ifl^rpP,"Z\  t0644 la$If O,IIIIIO,I$If$$Ifl^rpP,"Z\  t0644 la&()I@$$Ifl^rpP,"Z\  t0644 la$If)*+,-2345I($$Ifl^rpP,"Z\  t0644 la$If567=>?@ABO,IIIIIO,I$If$$Ifl^rpP,"Z\  t0644 laBHIJKLMSTK,$$IflrpP,"Z\  t0644 la$IfTUVWXYZ[\I$$IflUrpP,"Z\  t0644 la$If\]^_`abcdQKKKKKQK$If$$IflrpP,"Z\  t0644 ladefghijklK$$IflrpP,"Z\  t0644 la$IflmnopKI$$IflrpP,"Z\  t0644 la$If/ =!"#$%DyK www.vtsweb.orgyK ,http://www.vtsweb.org i<@< NormalCJOJQJaJmH sH tH <A@< Default Paragraph Font(U@( Hyperlink>*B*p R./09>#$'78#$%&'(./01239:;<=>DEFGHINOPQRSXYZ[\fhijklmrstuvw}~ &()*+,-234567=>?@ABHIJKLMSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnor000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000pw#Z&3EQfs)5BT\dlp  !"#$%&'(p^pXch^r 8;or r33333333333333ITIC:\Documents and Settings\jschloss\Desktop\VTS Docs\LHURSTyr1schedule.doc09>#$8#$%&'(./01239:;<=>DEFGHINOPQRSXYZ[\fhijklmrstuvw}~ &()*+,-234567=>?@ABHIJKLMSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnor@X p@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z ArialABook Antiqua 1hdd20d}3Laurelhurst 2010-2011ITITOh+'0'  $ 0 <HPX`hLaurelhurst 2010-2011IT Normal.dotIT2Microsoft Word 9.0@@9R@9RG&VT$m  5\&WordMicrosoft Word  "System] f &-@Book Antiqua@wIw @w] f- 2 Z Laurelhurst KG;G.:'GG.4'[ 2 Z-`& 2 Z8`; 2 Z6 `J72 VTS training schedule: year 1[NG'.:'G'GA44G:GG';A;:.; 2   `J@Book Antiqua@wIw @w] f- 2 q 0;@Book Antiqua@wIw @w] f- 2  :-2 VTraining=$.883 2 V^ 72 V Who?\83) 2 V  72 V  When?\8.8) 2 V   7- !R-- !R-- !R-- !R-- !R-- !R -- !R -- !R-- !R-- !V-- !V-- !V -- !V--2  Lead Teacher8,.88,.)6,$ 2  07,2  Jan Martin & Deb Vigna.6W.$6GG,3B26- 2    082   June 24, 201076,...... 2   07- !-- !-- !-- !-- ! -- ! -- !-- !(-- !(-- !( -- !(-2 3Full37 2 3-0 2 3staff training'-$-563 2 3 092   1 day.8.3 2 ? 09 2  082 3 alll. 2 3P -02 3o staff&. 2 3   07%2 3  Monday, August 30=W268.3H737'.. 2 3  07- !.-- !.-- !.-- !.-- !. -- !. -- !.-- !U2-- !U2-- !U2 -- !U2-2  Debriefing #1G,3$,638. 2  09"2  90 minutes..Q67,' 2  09 2 p 082   all staffy.'- 2    07&2   Monday, October 19W268.3H(23,$.. 2 %  07- !-- !-- !-- !-- ! -- ! -- !-- !V-- !V-- !V -- !V-2 #28. 2 T 292 X   90 min#..Q62 X uutes7,' 2 X  29 2  282   all staffy.'- 2    27&2   Tuesday, January 487,'8.3.67.$3. 2   27- !-- !-- !-- !-- ! -- ! -- !-- !V-- !V-- !V -- !V-2 @ #38. 2 @ T 39"2  90 minutes..Q67,' 2  39 2 $  382 @   all staffy.'- 2 @    37.2 @  Tuesday, March 15 @ PAM87,'8.3W.$)6..E7GW 2 @ 3  38- !; -- !; -- !; -- !; -- !; -- !; -- !; -- !V? -- !V? -- !V? -- !V? -2 #48. 2 T 49"2  90 minutes..Q67,' 2  49 2 ~  482   all staffy.'- 2    47"2  Tuesday, May 1787,'8.3W.3.. 2   47- ! -- ! -- ! -- ! -- ! -- ! -- ! -- ! -- ! -- ! -- ! -2 $  class visits).''3'' 2 $  472 $  alls. 2 $ P -42 $ o staff&. 2 $    472 $  TBDf88G 2 $   48- ! -- ! -- ! -- ! -- ! -- ! -- ! -- !@# -- !c-- !c-- !c-- !@# -- !c-- !c-- !@# -- !c -- !c -- !@# -- !c-- !c- 2 h 4:\2 6Each teacher (classroom) receives a curriculum manual.8.)6+.(6,$(.''$22Q$,),4,'.)7$$)77QP.67. 2   49>2 L"One set of images is provided for H6,',1Q.3,&'7$238,82$V2 LG2each grade level. 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