ࡱ> EGD3 (bjbjCC @!! @lVVV8 RR(zzzUUU9 ; ; ; ; ; ; $! #_ UUUUU_ zzt UTzz9 U9 zF @I[V 0 $1p$WRITING RESOURCE GUIDES 3-5 RE: 3-5 Writing Resource Guides: Suggested library materials that can support teacher instruction in writing personal narratives and other writing modes. Some lessons in the new Writing Resource Guides that teachers received refer to specific titles that might be useful. Katharine Johnson, Elementary Writing Coach TOSA, has provided the titles of those useful titles so our library staff can be apprised. Titles in the first table are specific to a grade level. Titles in the following tables may be useful across 3rd, 4th and 5th grades. Suggested titles for 5th grade AuthorPersonal NarrativeLaunch Amelias Notebook series (5) FIC MOSxx Secret Place (1) E BUNEve Bunting Lesson 3Whistling (1) E PARLesson 9Guys Write for Guys ReadxxSuggested titles for 4th gradeAmelias notebook series (5) FIC MOSWhat do Authors do (1) 808.06 CHREileen ChristelowLesson 1Owl Moon (3) E YOLJane YolenLesson 8Night in the Country (1) PROF E RYLLesson 8Big Mammas Donald CrewsLesson 8Suggested titles for 3rd gradeThank you Mr. Falker (1) E POLPatricia PolaccoLesson 1You Have to WriteJanet WongLesson 2The Relatives Came (4) E RYLCynthia RylantLesson 3Too Many Tamales (1) E SOTGary SotoLesson 8 Titles for 3rd, 4th & 5th grades: Personal Narrative TitleAuthorBecause of Winn-Dixie (3) FIC DICKate DiCamilloBirthday Presents (1) E RYLCynthia RylantThe Whispering ClothThe Name Jar (1) E CHOIn My Mommas Kitchen (3) E NOLJerdine NolanCharlie Anderson (1) PROF E ABE Barbara AbercrombieCome on Rain Karen HesseIra Sleeps Over (3) E WAB Bernard WaberAnything Kevin HenkesThe Other Side (1) E WOO Jacqueline WoodsonAmelias RoadThe Raft (1) E LAMJim LaMarcheWhen I was Nine James StevensonMy Name is Maria Isobel Alma Flor Ada Titles for 3rd, 4th & 5th grades: Imaginative Narrative Anansi the Spider (2) 398.2 MCDGerald McDermottCharlottes Web (7) FIC WHIE.B. WhiteChatos Kitchen (1) E SOTGary SotoMorning Girl (5) FIC DORMichael DorrisDream Weaver (1) PROF E LONJonathon LondonSylvester and the Magic Pebble (4) E STEWilliam SteigThe True Story of the Three Pigs (3) E SCI Jon Sciezca Titles for 3rd, 4th & 5th grades: Informational Articles All About Owls (1) 598.9 ARN Jim ArnoskyAll About Rattlesnakes (1) PROF 597.96 ARNJim ArnoskyDogs (1) 636.7 SIMSeymour Simon  -- See other titles Seymour Simon MudMary Lyn Ray     Page  PAGE 1  DATE \@ "M/d/yyyy" 11/2/2009 *,/179ABCY[!"<>DEIfmnr  &'123MOUVZuz{ *\\ *5\ *55\ *5H*5 H*PJaJPJaJOJPJQJaJRBCcj}$If  'a[[[[a[[[[$If$$Ifl\& 5  @ t0r 644 la  a[[[[a|[[[[$If$$Ifl\& 5  @ t0r 644 la !"#$%&EFGHa[[[[a[[[[$If$$Ifl\& 5  @ t0r 644 la HInopqra[[[[a[[[[$If$$Ifl\& 5  @ t0r 644 la a[[[[a[U[$If$If$$Ifl\& 5  @ t0r 644 la   '(1234[[$$Ifl\& 5  @ t0r 644 la$If 4567VWXYZu[[$$Ifl\& 5  @ t0r 644 la$If u{U$$Ifl\& 5  @ t0r 644 la$If$If    & ( 4 6 9 ; ? A K ] ^ c d l    + ? 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