ࡱ> AC@  bjbj 2՟՟  $$$$$8888L8.B`((.*.*.*.*.*.*.$/2N.$N.6$$c.666$$(.6(.66+-],.y.0.,7373(-6-&$-HN.N.6.73 * :   IB Biology Name ____________________________________ Experiments in Evolution Makeup Assignment Period ____ Date _________________________ As you read the article, imagine how real world experiments are run, and how field work can be confirmed by lab work, and vice versa.  HYPERLINK "https://www.sciencealert.com/one-of-longest-evolution-experiments-overthrowing-previous-assumptions" https://www.sciencealert.com/one-of-longest-evolution-experiments-overthrowing-previous-assumptions Include these elements in your response to the article: 1. What piece of evolutionary theory is this experiment designed to test/ prove? 2. Describe the methods employed to collect the data, including a diagram. 3. Sketch a diagram of what the data might look like, either graphically or pictorially. Summarize the conclusions that this experiment led to. Why are they important to our understanding of evolution? Imagine how this experiment could be confirmed. If the initial work was done in the field, what lab work might substantiate the findings? If the work was done in the lab, how might field work be employed? IB Biology Name ____________________________________ Experiments in Evolution Makeup Assignment Period ____ Date _________________________ As you read the article, imagine how real world experiments are run, and how field work can be confirmed by lab work, and vice versa.  HYPERLINK "https://www.sciencealert.com/one-of-longest-evolution-experiments-overthrowing-previous-assumptions" https://www.sciencealert.com/one-of-longest-evolution-experiments-overthrowing-previous-assumptions Include these elements in your response to the article: 1. What piece of evolutionary theory is this experiment designed to test/ prove? 2. Describe the methods employed to collect the data, including a diagram. 3. Sketch a diagram of what the data might look like, either graphically or pictorially. 4. Summarize the conclusions that this experiment led to. Why are they important to our understanding of evolution? 5. Imagine how this experiment could be confirmed. If the initial work was done in the field, what lab work might substantiate the findings? If the work was done in the lab, how might field work be employed? 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