ࡱ> 130 bjbj̚̚ ."p(((((((( ,p;(((((;l((Plll((( l( llVy@Pَ>. f0 (l(l((((;;l((((((((((((( :   IB Biology SL 3-4 2018-2019 Maggie Raczek MATERIALS: Every student will keep a binder of work. All work is to be kept until the end of the year. Each student will be issued a textbook, Biology (Campbell, Reece, & Mitchell). Students will keep the text at home for use on homework. Students will also need to bring a calculator (TI-83 or newer) to class everyday. RULES: Respect yourself. Respect others. Learn Science all other rules come from theses three rules. EXPECTATIONS: Attendance: Participation is expected for the entire period. Work areas are to be clean before leaving the classroom. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get make-up work. You will be given three days to complete missed work for one day absent. Due dates for an absence of more than one day should be discussed with the teacher. Please check my website (/Domain/3337) for a calendar with daily assignments and any handouts from class. Labs that require equipment may not always be made up, but the teacher may require an alternative assignment. The student should realize that hands-on work with equipment and the collaborative experience of working with teammates to reinforce curriculum objectives through the laboratory cannot be made up. If you are absent on the day of a test, expect to take it in class the day you return. Flex Period: Occasionally students may be required to use flex for classroom work. Absences from flex will be treated like absences from class. Tardiness: You are expected to be on time and seated with bags under the table and ready to participate in the days activities when the tardy bell rings. You will be marked tardy if you enter the classroom after the tardy bell has rung. Everyday we will do Early Work (3 points). If you are late to class, you miss this opportunity. If you have an excused absence, you can retrieve 2 of the 3 points. The third point is a participation point. Late Work: Late assignments will be accepted, but will drop one grade for every day it is late. The absolute last day for any late work in a unit is the day of the unit test. Electronics: Cell phones and other personal electronics are not allowed in the classroom. Extra Points: You may earn extra points in two ways. Tests may be corrected and test correction sessions are timed, so come prepared. If you are absent on the day of a test or the day of corrections, you forfeit the option of test corrections. Extra credit may be earned, but will be computed into the grade at the end of the grading period. Extra credit will be added only if the student has no more than one missing assignment in the quarter and may not be used to change a grade by more than half a letter grade. Assignments earning less than 70% may be corrected to earn 70%. Hall Passes: Occasionally students need to be excused from the classroom for one reason or another. Please ask permission before leaving the room. You are expected to sign out, return to the classroom within five minutes, and sign back in. There are no hall passes in the first 20 minutes of class. This privilege will be revoked if used excessively. Personal Integrity: I expect that you will do your own work at all times. Cheating, or helping someone else to cheat, will result in a zero on the assignment or test. The LHS Honor Code outlined in your planner will be followed. AS THE TEACHER: For my part, I will start class on time, provide learning activities that are interesting and helpful to you and other students. I will evaluate your progress and provide feedback to you regularly. I will accommodate students with special needs and provide opportunities for those needing a challenge. I will be available to you for extra help during Flex period and by appointment. GRADES: A 90%-100% Fewer than 70% of the points is considered unsatisfactory and B 80%-89% must be improved by completing unfinished work, alternate C 70%-79% assignments, or by correcting marked papers. Each student will be provided with a point sheet on which to keep tract of missing assignment and a current grade. The point sheet will be turned in at the end of the grading period for points. Thus, you will always know where you stand in my class. Please rememberI dont give grades, you earn grades!! +,7n u v z U t D O Q 3:AMZ! 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