ࡱ> 130  bjbj,, "NN $s) -V*@MG"j  C0svxi!i! i:   IB Biology Name ___________________________ Ecosystems in Action: Shallow Seas Period _____ Date ________________ Describe the journey taken by the humpback whale mother and its calf. What conditions make tropical seas ideal for childbirth? Why must the whales make the arduous journey into polar seas? Why might whales display this seemingly risky behavior (3)? Identify AND define two different types of species interactions shown in the film. Refer to your notes for types of species interactions (4). Explain the importance of sea urchins to the forests of kelp. How do they demonstrate the concept of interdependence (all things being connected to each other in an ecosystem) (2)? Shallow seas are an aquatic life zone. Where in the world is this aquatic life zone located (1)? What are the two primary limiting factors for shallow seas ecosystems(2)? In the spring, many temperate seas experience enormous algal blooms. Sketch a graph that might be representative of the population growth of algae in temperate seas over the course of one year. Be sure to properly label the axes on your graph (3). 2z{|z   ) I M Q v hpkh05CJaJhpkh0CJaJh0CJaJhpkCJaJ h.aJh.h.5\aJ2z{|z { | } ~          & Fgd0 & Fgd0 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) P Q R  & Fgd0gd0R S T U V W X Y Z [ \  & Fgd0gd0  1h/ =!"#$%666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH >@>  Heading 1$@& 5\aJDA D Default Paragraph FontViV 0 Table Normal :V 44 la (k ( 0No List PK![Content_Types].xmlj0 u$Nwc$ans@8JbVKS(.Y$8MVgLYS]"(U֎_o[gv; f>KH|;\XV!]օ Oȥsh]Hg3߶PK!֧6 _rels/.relsj0 }Q%v/C/}(h"O = C?hv=Ʌ%[xp{۵_Pѣ<1H0ORBdJE4b$q_6LR7`0̞O,En7Lib/SeеPK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml M @}w7c(EbˮCAǠҟ7՛K Y, e.|,H,lxɴIsQ}#Ր ֵ+!,^$j=GW)E+& 8PK!\theme/theme/theme1.xmlYOoE#F{o'NDuر i-q;N3' G$$DAč*iEP~wq4;{o?g^;N:$BR64Mvsi-@R4Œ mUb V*XX! cyg$w.Q "@oWL8*Bycjđ0蠦r,[LC9VbX*x_yuoBL͐u_. DKfN1엓:+ۥ~`jn[Zp֖zg,tV@bW/Oټl6Ws[R?S֒7 _כ[֪7 _w]ŌShN'^Bxk_[dC]zOլ\K=.:@MgdCf/o\ycB95B24S CEL|gO'sקo>W=n#p̰ZN|ӪV:8z1f؃k;ڇcp7#z8]Y / \{t\}}spķ=ʠoRVL3N(B<|ݥuK>P.EMLhɦM .co;əmr"*0#̡=6Kր0i1;$P0!YݩjbiXJB5IgAФ޲a6{P g֢)҉-Ìq8RmcWyXg/u]6Q_Ê5H Z2PU]Ǽ"GGFbCSOD%,p 6ޚwq̲R_gJS֣9)嗛(:/ak;6j11太x~<:ɮ>O&kNa4dht\?J&l O٠NRpwhpse)tp)af] 27n}mk]\S,+a2g^Az )˙>E G鿰L7)'PK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 /_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!\theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]   R 8@0(  B S  ?x:u!X >*28D Q\̮^`o(. ^`hH. pLp^p`LhH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. L^`LhH. ^`hH. ^`hH. PLP^P`LhH.^`o(. ^`hH. pL^p`LhH. @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. L^`LhH. ^`hH. ^`hH. PL^P`LhH.^`5o(. ^`hH. pLp^p`LhH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. L^`LhH. ^`hH. ^`hH. PLP^P`LhH.u! Q>*2                  4         0@p@UnknownGTimes New Roman5Symbol3 Arial"hCZ'KZ'fKf !x24 33QHP?' >0Part I: Species InteractionsPortland Public Schoolsmraczek    Oh+'0   0< ` l x ' Part I: Species Interactionsèapp Normal.dotmmraczek3Microsoft Macintosh Word@0@y@RwG@G ՜.+,0 hp|  'èapp Part I: Species Interactions Title !"#$%&')*+,-./2Root Entry F/G41Table!WordDocument"SummaryInformation( DocumentSummaryInformation8(CompObj` F Microsoft Word 97-2004 DocumentNB6WWord.Document.8