Degrees and Certifications:
Maggie Raczek
This website is no longer maintained. Please see the Canvas Course.
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Contact me at
General Information
A variety of support is available to students in my classes.
1. I am grading assignments in Canvas and utilize Synergy to post grades twice a quarter. Please check Canvas for current progress. I generally accept late work up to the day of the unit test on that material.
2. I have created one page in the Resources Module on Canvas called "Daily Agenda and Homework: Synchronous and Asynchronous" that details what we cover in every synchronous class, the homework assigned, and what needs to be completed and submitted through Canvas to avoid being marked absent in asynchronous class. This is the first place a student should look if they have any questions about what we did or what has been assigned. All homework is expected to be completed AFTER synchronous class. For some periods, that will be the following week.
3. I am available everyday we have asynchronous class to help students. I encourage students to complete homework, especially problem solving, in asychronous class. If they run into a problem, I will be there to help them. I may also ask a student who is not succeeding to attend asynchronous to work on science. Students who are absent from synchronous class should plan on spending the asynchronous class with me to make up what they missed.
4. Cornell Note-taking is strongly recommended. A day or two after taking notes, students should be reading over them and creating questions for the material. They write these on the left side of the page. This encourages students to interact with their notes a second time, can help them to see areas where they need more explanation, and makes a great study tool for tests. They should also be writing a brief (2-3 sentences) summary at the end of each note-taking session.