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    SUN Community School 

    What is SUN?  

    The Schools Uniting Neighborhoods (SUN) Community Schools are full-service neighborhood hubs providing a network of support for children and families in the surrounding community.  

    The Harrison Park SUN Community School offers fun and engaging after-school programs, family and community engagement opportunities, links to food, shelter, health and mental health services, and help with energy bills, among other things.  

    The SUN Initiative brings together city, county, and state resources with school districts, parents and neighborhoods to offer services that promote student achievement and healthy development. 


     SUN After School Program Info

    Below are the dates for the 8-week SUN sessions that occur throughout the school year. In order to enroll your student you must complete an IRCO SUN Registration form (PDFs attached below). These forms will be available in the main office while registration periods are open!  Students will be given a choice of classes and the SUN Manager will do everything in their ability to give students their top choices. Please email Andrew Perry, SUN Site Manager at andrewp@irco.org or call/text 503-442-9962 with any questions!


    SUN Program Information
    Dates for the winter term: January 21st- March 20th
    Upcycled Art
    Pacific Islander Club
    African Students Club
    Project LEDO (STEM class) 
    Math Tutoring
    Mandarin Tutoring