• Attendance

    In the event of your student’s absence from school, we ask that parents complete this google form:   

    or call the main office at 503-916-6205 or 503-916-5680.  Please provide the following information:

    • Name of student
    • Name of person calling
    • Reason for the absence
    • Duration of absence (if known)

    This information can also be conveyed by email to jacksonpps@pps.net    

    Late Arrival

    Students arriving late to school must first check in at the School Office.  Parents are welcome to sign the student in personally or send the student with a note.  Parent phone calls and emails will also suffice.  The definition of an excused tardy is outlined on the District's Attendance Matters website. 

    Early Release

    Should a student need to leave early from school, an adult must be present prior to the student being called from class. Please be able to show acceptable identification to office staff that connects you to the student by school enrollment records. This is for the safety of our students and minimizes the disruption to education. 

    If you arrive after 3:45 pm, you are kindly asked to wait outside for the final bell. 

    We greatly appreciate your cooperation with these procedures.

    When should I keep my child home from school?

    If your child exhibits any of the following, please keep him or her home from school until your child has been symptom free for 24 hours. If your child develops these symptoms while at school, your child will be sent home:

    • Vomiting and /or Diarrhea
    • Fever of 100 or higher
    • Cough: deep, barking, congested or productive, and/or colored mucus
    • Shortness of breath