• Update from ODE 2024-2025:

    Overview of Essential Skills


    The Assessment of Essential Skills graduation policy remains suspended through 2027-2028 as per the October 2023, Oregon State Board of Education decision in response to the recommendations found in the Senate Bill 744 Report: . 

    The Oregon State Board of Education's extension of SB 744 applies to the Assessment of Essential Skills requirements for receiving a Regular or Modified Diploma. The suspension allows for the Legislature and State Board to take more comprehensive action in reference to those recommendations.

    • All remaining , including challenging course credit requirements and personalized learning requirements, remain in effect.

    NOTE - The following assessment requirements stay in effect:

    • The OSAS Statewide Summative tests are still required for students enrolled in Grades 3 - 8 and high school for English language arts and mathematics as described in , , and .
    • Local performance assessment requirements for students in grades 3 through 8 and at least once in high school continue as a requirement as described in  .

    Though not related directly to assessment, it is important to note that the education plan, education profile, and extended application graduation requirements remain in place, as well.

    What are the Essential Skills?

    ?The  are cross-disciplinary skills that students should be developing across grades K- 12.

    For students first enrolled in Grade 9 in 2010-2011 or later, three of the Essential Skills are graduation requirements:
           a. Read and comprehend a variety of text
           b. Write clearly and accurately
           c. Apply mathematics in a variety of settings


    For more information, see the .



Morgan Hallabrin
Assistant Director,9-12 Core Academics(English Language Arts and Social Sciences)
Noelle Gorbett
Assistant Director, 9-12 Core Academics (Math and Science)