Critical thinkers...courageous problem-solvers...compassionate community builders.
Kindergarten at Bridger Creative Science School
Constructivism is the idea that meaningful knowledge is actively constructed rather than passively absorbed.
Constructivist theory guides our classroom experiences - activities, environment and daily schedule.
Exploration and problem solving are the focus of our program. This approach encourages creative thinking, communication and reflection.
A thematic unit of study guides most activities. Recent themes include Becoming a Scientist, Story-making, Mapping and Insects. Literacy, math, science and other curriculum areas are integrated within these big ideas.
Children have extended time for open-ended exploration, play and work with a variety of materials to encourage collaboration, creativity, imagination and curiosity.
Children discuss theories, ideas and findings. They learn from one another through listening and sharing their thinking throughout the day.
Daily class meetings are a valued time for sharing and planning as a community.
We emphasize relationships, community and social-emotional development. Kindness, collaboration, and caring for ourselves and one another are key classroom values.