Hosford Grading Practices

  • Hosford grades using proficiency marks to reflect students' skills and content mastery.

    HP = highly proficient 

    PR = proficient

    CP = close to proficient (not a satisfactory grade)

    DP = developing proficiency 

    At Hosford, we know that learners progress at different rates, and we believe it is important to recognize both academic excellence, and progress towards academic excellence. This year, students are recognized quarterly for their grades (Highly Proficient and Proficient) as well as their effort (the Student Responsibilities comments that you will see on report cards.). Students can receive commendation in either or both of these categories.
    The Hosford Learning award is given to students who earn all HPs and PRs (no CPs or DPs) on their report cards. The Hosford Commitment award will be given to students who have all "Consistently manages responsibilities" and "Often manages responsibilities" (no "sometimes" or "rarely"). In the comment section of their report cards. The Hosford Friendship award is open for student nomination. Do you know of a peer who consistently goes above and beyond our school value of Friendship? Nominate them by ballot in the main office. We will also be recognizing students for outstanding attendance.