For more information about individual clubs, contact the club advisor directly
Club Name | Advisor | Contact | Day & Time | Location |
Black Student Union | Raven Womack & Susan Elliot | rwomack@pps.net Selliot@pps.net | Thursdays during lunch | Cafeteria |
Demo Design Club | Allison Adams | aadams@pps.net | Every other Friday (starting 10/18) during lunch | Cafeteria |
Gardening Club | Olive Altieri | oaltieri@pps.net | Mondays during lunch | Cafeteria |
Indigenous People | Noel Tamez | ntamez@pps.net | Mondays | B-12 |
Mock Trial | Wendy Shelton | wshelton@pps.net | Wednesdays from 5-7pm | C-10 |
NAACP | Ricardo Alonso | ralonso@pps.net | Mondays during lunch | Cafeteria |
National Honors Society | RaeAnn Thompson | rthomps1@pps.net | Fridays during lunch | Cafeteria |
QSA (Queer Straight Alliance) | Becca Norman | rnorman@pps.net | Tuesdays during lunch | Indian Education Room |
Robotics | Matalasi Laban | malaban@pps.net | Mondays & Wednesdays 3:30-5:30pm | D-74 (meet in the lobby of the auditorium on B-floor) |
Rubik's Cube & Chess Club | Jacqueline Rutherford | jarutherford@pps.net | Tuesdays during lunch | Cafeteria |
Skit Club | Jaydra Johnson | jjohnson5@pps.net | Wednesdays during lunch | Cafeteria |
Student Health Action Council | Molly Franks | molly.c.franks@multco.us | Tuesdays during lunch | Cafeteria |
Students in Stitches (Knit/crochet club) | RaeAnn Thompson | rthomps1@pps.net | Thursdays during lunch | Cafeteria |