Welcome to the Robert Gray Middle School PTA

  • The RGMS PTA strives to create the best environment for students, parents, and teachers, and to create a positive and inspiring community in support of educating all students. Every organization has a different flavor and the RGMS PTA’s flavor is fun! We encourage you to join us—you, and your child, will get the most out of middle school when you are involved. There are many ways to participate in the success of your children at Robert Gray Middle School:

    • Join the PTA.  Membership alone supports the many activities offered by the PTA. The PTA is the sole support of many activities that enhance the quality of our students’ education. We are grateful to have an active and committed board. 
    • Support the Foundation. The Foundation is the only organization that can help fund staff at RGMS. Funds this year are supporting classified staff working in our lunch and supervision team, teacher leader extended responsibility contracts, substitutes for special events, and other important functions. We are a very busy school and a lot of help is required to run smoothly. 
    • Volunteer. This is the fastest way to become part of the community. We are seeking volunteers for special events, ongoing activities, and daily morning and lunch supervision. Take a look at our Volunteer page for a list of events and volunteer opportunities. Then take a step inside and join the enthusiasm. You, too, will be saying “I love it here!”
  • Contact the PTA: president@rgmspta.org

    • President: Allie Pettitt  
    • Vice President: Kirsten Carr
    • Secretary: Jenn Aubert
    • Treasurer: Neal Johnson
    • Membership: (vacant)
    • Volunteer Coordinator: Britney Small
    • Teacher Grant/Appreciation: Yvonne Rasmussen & Britney Small
    • Diversity & Inclusion: Ariel Williamson
    • Social Media / Communications: Trudi Bloom
    • Fundraisers: (vacant)
    • Spirit Wear: (vacant)


    Visit our for important dates, forms, and volunteer information.  

Our Sponsors

  • Multnomah Village

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