4.00.000 Students
These policies are posted in the portable document format (PDF).
- 4.10.010-P Compulsory Enrollment And Attendance Spanish Chinese Russian Somali Vietnamese
- 4.10.014-P Supports for Homeless Students Spanish Chinese Russian Somali Vietnamese
- 4.10.020-P Compulsory Enrollment: Age and Grade Level at Entrance
- 4.10.040-P Inter-District Transfers
- 4.10.041-AD Tuition Information
- 4.10.042-AD Fee for Service Kindergarten Temporary Tuition Reduction, Severe Hardship Process
- 4.10.045-P Student Assignment to Neighborhood Schools Spanish Chinese Russian Somali Vietnamese
- 4.10.051-P Student Enrollment and Transfers Spanish Chinese Russian Somali Vietnamese
- 4.10.100-P Student Transportation Services
- 4.20.010-P Retention and Acceleration of Students
- 4.20.021-AD Student Progress Reports- Grades and Class Attendance
- 4.20.022-AD Weighted Grading of High School Courses
- 4.20.023-AD Credit Options
- 4.20.024-AD Foreign Transcripts
- 4.20.041-AD Promotional Exercises- Eighth Grade
- 4.20.042-P Diploma Requirements
- 4.20.043-AD Graduation Requirements- High School Credit for Proficiency Through Assessment
- 4.20.045-AD Graduation - Exchange Students
- 4.20.046-AD Graduation And Commencement - Related Activities
- 4.20.047-AD Commencement Exercises
- 4.20.048-AD Essential Skills of Reading, Writing and Mathematics for Emergent Bilingual Students
- 4.20.049-AD Graduation Requirements- Modified Diploma, Extended Diploma, and Alternative Certificate
- 4.30.010-P Student Conduct and Discipline Spanish Chinese Russian Somali Vietnamese
- 4.30.012-P Standards of Conduct- Student Dress and Grooming Spanish Chinese Russian Somali Vietnamese
- 4.30.022-AD Healthy, Substance-Free Learning Environments
- 4.30.023-P Healthy, Substance Free Learning Environments
- 4.30.025-AD Discipline of Students with Disabilities
- 4.30.031-AD Alternative Instructional Program Placement
- 4.30.040-P Students' Rights Regarding Searches of Person and Property Spanish Chinese Russian Somali Vietnamese
- 4.30.050-P Student Suicide Prevention Spanish Chinese Russian Somali Vietnamese
- 4.30.060-P Student Anti Harassment and Teen Dating Violence Policy Spanish Chinese Russian Somali Vietnamese
- 4.30.070-P Anti-Racist & Anti-Oppression Learning Communities Spanish Chinese Russian Somali Vietnamese
- 4.40.010-P Student Participation in School Affairs
- 4.40.030-P Student Body Funds
- 4.40.031-AD Student Body Funds - Expenditures
- 4.40.050-AD Student Clubs And Assembly
- 4.40.054-AD Club Finances And Money-Raising Activities
- 4.40.070-P Student Freedom Of Expression On School Premises
- 4.40.080-P Student Government
- 4.50.021-AD Health Services - Implementation
- 4.50.022-AD Guidelines For Students With Bloodborne Pathogens
- 4.50.024-AD Dental Health
- 4.50.025-AD Accident Insurance
- 4.50.026-P Administering Medicines To Students
- 4.50.030-P Complaint Policy
- 4.50.040-AD Personal Property Insurance
- 4.50.050-AD Child Abuse Reporting
- 4.50.051-P Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child
- 4.50.060-AD Student Restraint and Seclusion