• Dances

    School and district rules and policies apply to all school dances. 

    Please remember the following conditions pertain to dances:

    • No guests younger than high school freshman age or older than 20 years of age will be allowed at any dance.
    • All School Rules and Policies are in effect for the duration of all school-sponsored activities.
    • Students and guests must be dressed appropriately for school activities, including dances.
    • Students and guests are expected to refrain from inappropriate dancing.  Failure to comply with a chaperone’s directive may result in further disciplinary action, including removal from the dance. 
    • Anyone who fails to comply with a reasonable request from a chaperone will be asked to leave the dance and may lose any future privileges to attend dances.
    • When attending school functions, students who leave the function may not re-enter. All school dances begin at 7:00pm and conclude at 10:00pm.
    • All students wishing to bring a guest who is not a IBWHS student to a dance will be required to have a valid guest agreement.  These forms will be available the week prior to the tickets going on sale.  No guest tickets will be sold without a valid guest agreement at the time of purchase.
    • No guests will be admitted unless accompanied by a current Wilson High School student.
    • All students and their guests must present picture ID at the door or they will be turned away from the dance.

    Parents are always welcome to attend school dances as chaperones.